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Westminster Congregational United Church
of Christ |
WESTMINSTER CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST No matter who you are, or where you are in your faith journey, you are welcome here.
Westminster Congregational United Church of Christ publicly declares that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people are welcome in the full life and ministry of our congregation. We affirm human sexuality as a good gift of God, and that a persons' sexual orientation - whether gay, bisexual, or heterosexual - is no barrier to God's love or full participation in Christ's church. Westminster Congregational United Church of Christ embraces a spirit of hospitality founded in the gospels of Jesus Christ and a willingness to live out that welcome in meaningful ways.* As an Open and Affirming Church, our longstanding culture of welcome extends to all people regardless of sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, gender, physical ability, socioeconomic status or faith background.
* Examples of “living out the welcome in meaningful ways” would be:
· Our clergy would perform holy unions with the blessing of Christ’s church for same-gender couples.
· We will recognize families that are parented by same-gender couples and will baptize their children.
· Same-gender couples will be offered the same sacraments, support, and nurturing as all other couples in the church when faced with hardship or loss of one of the partners.
· Employment opportunities at the church will be offered to all who are called or hired, without regard to their sexual orientation.
· We will publicly identify our church as an Open and Affirming church in appropriate ways.