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Westminster Congregational United Church
of Christ |
A Brief History of Westminster (First) Congregational Church (UCC) Spokane WA
May 22, 1879 – First Congregational Church is chartered at the home of Rev. Henry Cowley, with 12 people present. Rev. Cowley is chosen as acting pastor for two years.
1881 – The first church building is built at Sprague and Bernard for $50.00.
August 1889 – After the Great Fire of Spokane, buildings were in great demand and the church building and land was sold. Three lots at Third and Washington were purchased. There was already a small house on this property, which was enlarged to be a parsonage. After a few months this property was also sold, and the current lots at Fourth and Washington were purchased. Since the lots were undeveloped, worship was held at the Dano-Methodist Church at First and Stevens. Rev. Cowley erected a building on the back of lots he owned at Second and Washington and offered the first floor as a worship space.
1890 – Work was started on the present building by Worthy Niver Architects. The building wasn’t completely finished until 1893. A Parsonage was built at the back of the lot. The panic of 1893 almost derailed the project. It was then that First Congregational Church merged with Westminster Presbyterian Church to form Westminster Congregational Church. We had a building and they had a minister. The building still retains First Congregational carved into the stone above the northwest tower entrance. Cushing Eells donated the bell in the East Tower. This bell was the first in Spokane and was used for many years by the City of Spokane as an emergency bell.
1907- 1909 – Interior changes were made to the building. The pulpit was moved to the center on a wide platform with a choir loft behind it.
1908 – The Social Hall was excavated by wheelbarrow. This gave the church much needed Sunday school room, along with a kitchen.
1924 – Westminster merges with Corbin Park Congregational, Pilgrim Congregational and Plymouth Congregational.
1927 – The Church building is enlarged with a two-story addition along the back where the original parsonage was (Dow Architects). The Round turret was taken out and two square towers put in. The balcony was also installed at this time, as well as the rolling partitions separating the Mayflower room from the Sanctuary.
May 1928 – The new Church building is dedicated “Unto God on behalf of Childhood and Youth.”
June 1928 – Daniel Dwight donated the “Deagan Tubular Bell Carillon” chimes that are in the West Tower in memory of his wife Mary Dwight. Mary was a musician of note and an active worker in the church. Unfortunately, these chimes are still awaiting restoration.
1929 – Westminster celebrates the First 50 Years!
1946-47 – The chancel is remodeled to a divided chancel. At this time the Joel Harper Memorial Organ is installed. The organ installation was completed in 1951. The stained glass window is covered with a grillwork and a blower system is put behind it to vent to the outside.
1954 – Westminster celebrates it’s 75th Anniversary!
1958 – The Westminster Cowley Youth Building is built and dedicated to Rev. Cowley. A school for the church Sunday school children and also a school for developmentally disabled children is opened. This building will house many different non-profit groups over the years including the Food Bank, Peace and Justice Action League, Material Aid, our UCC Conference office for the East side, and finally the Discovery School.
1963 – Westminster votes to become part of the newly formed United Church of Christ. The vote passed by only a slim margin precipitating the resignation of the pastor and a rift in the congregation.
1978 – The church is put on the Washington State National Registries of Historical Buildings. The Second Century Endowment Fund is established to provide a permanent trust fund for the Church in commemoration of the Church’s second century of service.
1979 – The 100th Anniversary is celebrated with a march through the streets to Cowley Park, where a memorial gazebo was dedicated to the Rev. Henry Cowley. Festivities continued on Tuesday with a celebration banquet at the Ridpath Hotel.
1996 – Vision 2000 is created to help the church with major projects to be completed by the year 2000.
1997 – The elevator is installed which necessitated major renovation in the East side of the church. The stairway to the social hall was moved to accommodate the elevator, leading to changes in the Mayflower room as well. 2003 – The social hall was remodeled, with most of the boiler piping being redone, and the windows in the north wall being put back in to give the room some much needed light.
2004 – A new boiler is installed, with new radiators put in the sanctuary. This led to plaster work, repainting of the walls, and the floors were also repaired. The 125th Anniversary was marked with an Anniversary Service with previous pastors and members of the Spokane Tribe, followed by a reception in the social hall. The stained glass window over the chancel area is uncovered and repaired. A new cross is made from the grillwork that had covered the window for 50 years. 2005 – We sold the Cowley Building, Connell Apartments, Parking Lot, and vacant lot (RAPP) to Spokane Housing Ventures. 2006 – The Chancel is renovated to remove the walls and widen the steps. The electrical is updated and new carpet installed. The flat roof over the South section of the building is replaced and the masonry repaired. In October, the West Stained Glass Window is completely taken out and restored with help from a grant from the Spokane Preservation Advocates. The Window was re-installed just in time for Christmas.